

义务警员/棕雷[1](英文:Vigilante,下文简称义警支线任务 是一个在所有 3D世界观侠盗猎车手 IV, 和 血战唐人街中的载具任务。玩家需要在时限内追杀标记的目标(罪犯)。义警可以在不进行其他任务的时候用于执法载具上开启。





  • 截停载具。要是他们插翅难飞必定下车。
  • 把车怼水里淹死他们。
  • 熟悉路况的话可以提前在NPC的必经之路上设下埋伏。


  • 下车后60秒内没来得及上一台能用来开启任务的执法载具。
    • 罪恶都市物语里只有30秒。
  • 死亡
  • 被捕
  • 超时
  • 任务用载具被毁(仅限罪恶都市物语)

搞义警当然免不了招惹真家伙的麻烦,而且这问题不容小视 - 绝大多数义警任务载具不能喷漆,打着打着通缉狂涨会导致贿赂星全部沦为杯水车薪。




  • 所有藏身点多一个贿赂星 (在波特兰击杀10个目标)
  • 所有藏身点多一个贿赂星 (在波特兰击杀20个目标)
  • 所有藏身点多一个贿赂星 (斯汤顿岛击杀10个目标)
  • 所有藏身点多一个贿赂星 (斯汤顿岛击杀20个目标)
  • 所有藏身点多一个贿赂星 (滨海谷击杀10个目标)
  • 所有藏身点多一个贿赂星 (滨海谷击杀20个目标)
  • Going Rogue achievement/trophy (20 kills in a row in the PS4 version or 15 kills in a row in the Definitive Edition)
  • 护甲值上限增加50% (完成12级)
  • Running Rampant achievement/trophy (PS4 and Definitive Edition)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
1 $50
2 $200
3 $450
4 $800
5 $1,250
6 $1,800
7 $2,450
8 $3,200
9 $4,050
10 $5,000
11 $6,050
12 $7,200
Total $32,500
  • 护甲值上限增加50% (完成12级) (PC版可能有漏洞,护甲值不增加)
  • What the City Needs achievement/trophy (PS3, Xbox 360, PS4 and Definitive Edition)


  • 本级别奖励为$50 * X2
  • 本级别以及之前所有级别的累计奖励为$25 * (X/3)*(2X2 + 3X + 1)
  • 护甲值上限增加100% (完成12级,移动版9级) (Complete Level 12 / Level 9 in Mobile version)
  • 护甲值上限增加50% (完成15级)


The following vehicles can initiate missions:
  • 地霸王(仅限罪恶都市,圣安地列斯和罪恶都市物语)
  • 警用防暴车
  • FBI用车
  • FBI蓝彻
  • FBI卡车 (废稿载具,无法通过正常途径获取)
  • FBI华盛顿
  • FBI Cruiser
  • HPV-1000
  • 警用巡逻车
  • Ranger
  • 犀牛坦克
  • 猎杀者
  • S.W.A.T
  • 罪城警察局 猎豹
  • VCPD Wintergreen (bike)


In some of the 3D Universe games, it is possible to use cheats to complete vigilante levels very quickly - despite there not being any actual cheats made directly for the vigilante game mode.

It involves getting a police vehicle, driving it into a garage the player owns, then beginning the Vigilante side-mission. This would spawn a criminal, who is almost certain to be either inside or next to a vehicle. After leaving the garage, the player then enters in a cheat to blow up all vehicles, which would kill the criminal, but also blow up the police car; however, simply re-entering the garage will have the police vehicle fixed. The player can then carry on doing this process, until they have cheated their way onto their desired vigilante level.

Using the cheat to spawn a Rhino after the cheat to destroy all vehicles has been activated will also work, entering the Rhino to progress to the next level each time the vehicles have been blown up.


A glitch exists in GTA San Andreas that allows completion of Vigilante without actually having to engage the enemy. Trigger the sub-mission, and park the police vehicle near the entrance to a food place such as Burger Shot. When the targets are identified, exit the vehicle (a countdown clock to mission failure will begin) and enter the food place. Wait about 20 seconds and exit. If done correctly (the exact timing may vary and one must be careful not to run out of time), the game will indicate that the targets are dead. Quickly reenter the police vehicle and wait for the next mission. Repeat. On the PS2 this has been done successfully for all levels. One walkthrough reports it works on the Xbox too but only up to a certain point, and purchasing food may or may not be necessary.

In GTA Advance, it's possible to fill the Shotgun ammunition by entering a Police Car and repeatedly activating/deactivating the Vigilante mission. The same applies to refilling armor with a SWAT Van.


  • 绝大多数载具需要依赖驾车扫荡 (记得备好大量子弹和MP5冲锋枪)。如有条件可以下车步战,但要注意高等级的罪犯全副武装,很难缠。
  • 注意通缉等级。罪城之后三星以上地刺往往可以轻松破坏载具轮胎。不建议使用正常的警用载具,因为坏了只能回车库修,去街上抢还是火上浇油。


  • 3的义警任务相对简单,因为永远只有一台车和一个火力很差的目标。罪犯下车之后还只顾着攻击其他NPC,可以趁机碾死。
  • 义警任务得尽早完成,因为完成特定任务之后,各大帮派会与克劳德敌对,甚至是武器升级。这在波特兰尤为重要,因为里奥尼家族在其首领刺杀之后人人带三枪秒载具的喷子,导致他们的地盘几乎成为禁区,没犀牛进不去。
    • 值得一提的是在波特兰完成义警的过程中NPC可能会驾驶这地方一般情况下不出现的载具,比如说猎豹。进出口需要的时候可以考虑收集。此外,应急载具进出口完成后也可以无限领取以省去招惹通缉的麻烦。
  • 不熟悉地形可以先玩玩出租车任务练手。
  • 20次击杀不需要一次性完成,除非是拿成就。
  • 波特兰义警任务的难点在于初期装备和车辆欠缺。
    • 乌兹冲锋枪好弄(20隐藏包裹之后藏身点刷,托尼剧情登场任务之后也可以买),但最强的弹道武器也就AK-47。
    • 前期只有警用巡逻车和警用防暴车。建议用灵活而容易获取的警车,因为防暴车笨重,要四颗星出现(波特兰没刷新点),而且体积太大,车库根本放不下,纯粹多此一举。新刷出来的警车进去还送5发喷子弹药。
  • 斯唐顿岛解锁之后义警任务会简单不少。玩家可以招惹五星通缉,以此获得FBI用车,全游戏唯一可被喷漆的义警载具。除此以外,还可以获取M16这种能秒载具的大杀器。
  • 滨海谷之后可以通过招惹六星通缉获得犀牛坦克(或者在军火短缺)。它防弹防爆,碰撞秒载具,还可以用炮的后坐力加速。


  • 罪恶都市之后的义警任务难点在于罪犯载具数量会随着等级增加,从1级的1车1人到12级以上的3车12人,人人下车直接毫不留情的拿着火力凶猛的武器反击。
  • 一次一定要玩到12级才算过。
  • 猎杀者是义警任务的不二之选,因为它作为直升机机动性极高,机枪有自瞄,还有火箭弹。猎杀者的机枪由于游戏漏洞原因炸毁载具不会惹通缉。
    • 除了对萌新不太友好以外猎杀者唯一的缺点就是获取难度极高。它只有两个刷新点,其中军事基地要在完成金边 1986之后西岛开放才能正常访问,然后需要收集100个隐藏包裹或者完成最后一个主线任务之后才出现,而东岛刷新点需要两个条件都达成之后才有。
  • 不想拿猎杀者就带好冲锋枪,用罪城警察局 猎豹,因为它可以被喷漆,性能好(东岛惹三星就可以引来猎豹,FBI华盛顿西岛才能有,而且慢吞吞的,啥也追不上)。
  • 猎豹开不了就开犀牛(可以在是,长官!中获取,秘籍或者收集90个隐藏包裹后在军事基地里刷新),人挡杀人,神挡杀神。


  • 一次一定要玩到12级才算过。
  • 猎杀者还是最佳选择,但获取方式依旧困难,因为忽略秘籍的话玩家需要飞行驾校全金才会在小机场或者海军基地刷。除此以外还可以通过“炼狱直升机”竞速获取(把直升机开到任务点,下去,等任务失败让猎杀者脱离任务)。
  • 搞不到猎杀者就可以搞犀牛(防弹防炸,碰撞秒杀载具,根本不怕NPC放冷枪),不过除去6星通缉和秘籍以外,唯一获取犀牛的方法就是完成Black Project后去69区的刷新点。
  • 有冲锋枪子弹建议使用HPV-1000,因为这玩意儿是个摩托车,可以让玩家向前射击,但注意摩托的警笛不能驱赶路人NPC载具。


  • 通关条件和GTA3一样。


  • 和罪恶都市大体一致,但没有能喷漆的执法载具和猎杀者,而犀牛获取方式极其困难(只有6星,刷新点在100%通关之后才解锁)。


In GTA III and GTA Liberty City Stories
  • The Barracks OL is not intended to be used in the Vigilante side mission.
In GTA Vice City
  • The VCPD Cheetah is one of the best cars to use for the Vigilante side mission. Not only is it fast and maneuverable, it can resprayed in a Pay 'n' Spray, repairing the car and removing the active wanted level.
  • Unlike with the other vehicle missions and Vigilante in other GTA games, the mission won't end after level 12, so it is possible to continue indefinitely. As the reward for each level accumulates, millions of dollars can be earned for each level during an hour's or so play.
  • A maximum of four vehicles will spawn after level 12, with the fourth one not often spawning with the other criminals and usually in water, killing them instantly.
In GTA San Andreas
  • Grove Street gang members can be recruited to help kill the criminals. If the player is shot at - or otherwise attacked - by the criminals, the gang members will shoot back. This tactic becomes more useful after all gang tags in Los Santos have been sprayed over, as Grove Street gang members will start carrying Desert Eagles and MP5s, which are more powerful weapons.
  • The Rhino Tank can be a very useful Vigilante vehicle owing to its ability to destroy other cars simply by driving into them (making head-on "chicken"-style ambushes a good tactic) and its long-range turret. It is, however, very slow, and it is entirely possible for criminals to outrun the player until the time limit expires even at fairly low levels, particularly on larger highways or off-road (however, by turning the turret backwards and firing it is possible to gain enough speed from the cannon's recoil to chase down almost any vehicle). It can also be very difficult to obtain a Rhino without using cheats or earning a 6-star wanted level (although the tank does spawn in some locations, such as Fort Baxter in GTA Vice City (only after collecting 90 hidden packages) and Area 69 in GTA San Andreas). In Vice City Stories this problem is compounded by the fact that all Rhinos encountered prior to the completion of the penultimate mission, Over The Top, whether at Fort Baxter or under a 6-star wanted level, will be locked and cannot be driven.
  • If the player enables the peds attacking Carl with weapons cheat while on vigilante missions, a glitch will occur where the targeted criminals will sometimes separate from their cars. For example if the player is playing Level 4 (where there are four criminals in a car), this cheat code will sometimes cause two of the criminals to abandon the car while the other half continues to drive it.
  • The player's vehicle will gain increased health after completing a level, making it easier for it to avoid getting destroyed. This does not apply to the Rhino, as usually players would have plenty of health due to its bullet and explosion resistance.
  • In the first level, the suspects are usually driving 2-door vehicles, even some rare ones that don't normally spawn in traffic like the Hotknife or Euros. Later levels restrict the targets in 4-door vehicles.
In GTA Vice City Stories
  • Along with spawning in cars, suspects may also spawn on motorbikes or on foot. The player will be notified of how the suspects are travelling in the prompt during the start of each level.
    • On motorbikes, the player can easily perform a drive-by on all suspects (especially on a police bike, as the player can perform a forwards facing drive-by).
    • On foot, suspects will spawn at a fixed location in a large group. The player must be cautious when approaching them, as the suspects will be quick to fire, possibly killing the player or destroying their vehicle.

Vigilante in Grand Theft Auto IV[]



In GTA IV, the Vigilante missions are retooled. When Niko accesses a police car, he can access the criminal database computer and view crimes in progress in the area. The player has a time limit to get to the crime scene, but once there the timer stops. These crimes include:

  • Gang activity, which involves killing a group of thugs;
  • Stolen vehicle, which involves chasing down the criminal(s) in the stolen vehicle
  • Suspect on foot, which consists of only one criminal fleeing a crime scene, and are usually the easiest, as a vehicle can mow them down swiftly.

It's worth mentioning, that criminals upgrade their weapons as the player solves the crimes, though only on levels closer to level 20. Up to those levels the "gang activity" and "criminal on foot" criminals possess only pistols, while the "vehicle stolen" suspects seem to prefer Uzis as their weapons. On levels 17-19 the criminals switch their weapons to heavy artillery: suspects on foot and those involved in gang activity start carrying very powerful weapons: AKs, Carbine Rifles, Pump and combat shotguns, Desert Eagles, even Sniper Rifles. Some criminals may now even have grenades and thus take the player down in no time, as well as destroy his police car. Suspects in vehicles now all come armed with MP5 and thus become very lethal as well. Since those levels the thugs' armaments will remain like this. Also, the criminals increase their health significantly since those levels and thus can withstand lots of damage before dying (for example, they can easily survive getting hit by a police car at high speed and still have pretty much health to continue fighting). A headshot, though, is still a lethal takedown.

The criminals in Vigilante missions have limited ammo. If their bullets run out, they will throw away the gun and use their bare hand to fight. Occasionally, though, some criminals (usually 1-2) already spawn unarmed (in "gang activity" and "criminal on foot"; in the latter case, there's always only one criminal) and fight the player hand-to-hand. The player can opt to fight the criminals hand-to-hand too, but it can be dangerous, as the criminals have very good fighting skills and can easily kill the player if his reactions are not quick enough; the player can also be killed by his opponent's armed buddies if he is responding to a "gang activity".

During Vigilante missions, the player can attract undesirable law enforcement attention when engaging suspects. Despite this, the wanted level automatically disappears once the last criminal is killed. In addition, responding police officers will engage the suspects as well, prioritizing them over the player in almost all cases. If the player wishes to summon additional officers, they may do so using the 911 feature on Niko's phone, or, prior to responding to a crime, by using the "Call for Backup" feature on the Police Computer.

20 missions must be completed for the Cleaned the Mean Streets achievement and for 100% completion. The 20 missions however do not need to be done consecutively, similar to GTA III. In addition, there is a new form of the mission called Most Wanted.


  • Cleaned the Mean Streets achievement/trophy


The following vehicles can initiate missions:
  • FIB Buffalo
  • NOOSE Cruiser
  • NOOSE Patriot
  • Police Patrol
  • Police Cruiser
  • Police Stockade
The Enforcer, Annihilator and Police Maverick can be used to continue missions after they have been initiated in another vehicle.

Design Issues[]

Players are given a short time limit to arrive at a scene of a crime (typically around or less than a minute) before the target is lost. As the time limit is calculated based on the player's direct distance from their target, the allocated time may not be enough for players that need to navigate around obstacles and terrain (for example, having to drive around the retention wall of Broker's harborfront to districts inland within 20-40 seconds). Bohan's labyrinthine and bay-like layout and comparatively small size is notorious for generating Vigilante targets that are extremely difficult or impossible to reach on time.


  • As mentioned, the player may still receive a wanted level during a vigilante mission. However, upon completion of the mission, their wanted level seems to be cleared (at least up to three stars).
  • Vigilante and Most Wanted cannot be enabled in Episodes from Liberty City. If the player tries to use it, only "error connecting to server" will appear. However, the player can still use the computer to call for back-up and search for certain criminals.
  • Vigilante and Most Wanted cannot be enabled while on a mission or during a date/friend activity.
  • Vigilante and Most Wanted cannot be enabled until completion of the mission Crime and Punishment. However, Niko can still search for certain criminals and call for back-up. In addition, if he successfully types in the name of a Most Wanted in Broker, Dukes and Bohan, he can do those, but will usually only be armed with a Glock pistol.
  • Criminals in "gang activity" crimes can spawn completely neutral to the player; they simply stand where they have spawned, even without their guns ready, and do not react to the player even if he walks close to them (Niko may even bump into them on foot). However, if the player attacks one of the thugs, even with his fists, all the gang members will draw their weapons and start attacking.
  • The dispatcher will report the crimes the player chooses to investigate via the police radio, similarly to when the player's crimes are reported. If "criminal on foot" is chosen, the dispatcher will say: "We've got a suspect/criminal resisting arrest/fleeing a crime scene on {address}"; if the player investigates "vehicle stolen", the following message will be transmitted: "We've got criminals performing drive-by activity/shots fired on {address}"; for all "gang activity" crimes, there is only one message that is transmitted every time the player chooses this crime in the police computer: "We've got a drug deal on {address}". The messages mostly do not correspond with the names of the crimes in the police computer (e.g the name of the "Vehicle stolen" crime implies that the theft of a vehicle has occurred while the dispatcher reports this crime as a drive-by shooting or simply shooting).

See Also[]

Vigilante in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars[]



The police computer in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.

In GTA Chinatown Wars, the Vigilante missions are retooled again. By entering any police vehicle, the player can access the criminal database computer and view crimes in progress in the area. The player has a time limit to get to the crime scene, but once there the timer stops. These crimes include:

  • Gang activity, which involves killing a group of thugs;
  • Stolen vehicle, which involves chasing down the criminal in the stolen vehicle
  • Suspect on foot, which consists of only one criminal fleeing a crime scene, and are usually the easiest, as they can be mowed down swiftly by a vehicle.

The side-mission automatically ends after killing the last criminal on each wave, and to restart it, the player simply needs to re-enter a Law Enforcement vehicle and access the Police Computer, so they doesn't have to complete all five waves consecutively to obtain the Gold Medal, as long as the chain is completed without failure.


  • Maximum Armor Increased by 100% (Get Gold Medal)


The following vehicles can initiate missions:
  • FIB Rancher
  • Police Patrol
  • NOOSE Enforcer

Vigilante in Grand Theft Auto V[]


GTA V features a bounty hunting side-mission in the form of the Bail Bond Strangers and Freaks missions for Maude. These missions are only available to Trevor, and are a bit similar to GTA IV's Most Wanted side-mission, except it's limited only to find four criminals in total.

Police cars can often be seen chasing criminals as well, attempting to intervene here will result in an automatic three-star wanted level for vigilantism.



  1. 猎杀者中开启的义警任务名称,实质上与其无异。